Prayer Team


 prayer team


The Intercessory Prayer Team exists to cover the services and activities of Queen City Church in prayer, specifically praying for God’s Kingdom to come and His will to be done (Matthew 6:10). This team plays a vital spiritual role by lifting up those speaking, serving, and attending services each week. The Prayer Team engages in both individual prayer time and corporate prayer sessions, interceding for the lives of the people who are impacted by the ministry of Queen City Church!

Serve schedule

Sundays during both services; attend one service, serve one service

Skills and Attributes

  • A deep passion for prayer and interceding on behalf of others

  • A heart for seeing God’s will fulfilled in the lives of those attending church services

  • Sensitivity to the Holy Spirit’s leading in prayer

Spiritual Gifts

  • Evangelism

  • Intercession

  • Prophecy

  • Wisdom


  • Attend DNA (either previously or a session in the future)