

upcoming this week


grand opening

This Sunday @ 9 AM + 11 AM (In-Person + Online) + 6 PM (Online Only) /4170 Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45209 +

Click below to learn more about our future home!


This Sunday @ 6 PM / HQ (1635 Reading Rd, Cincinnati, OH 45202

Queen City YTH is a gathering for Middle and High School Students. Click below to learn more.


Thursdays / Times + Locations Vary

Queen City YA is a gathering for 18-25 year olds. Click below to learn more.

course: faith and work

3/3/25 - 3/17/25 @ 7 PM - 9 PM on Monday Nights / HQ - 1635 Reading Rd

In this course, we will explore the theology of work and the concept of personal vocation. We will examine how to integrate our work with God's work and how each of us is uniquely called to contribute to building God's kingdom. Click Here to learn more about Courses.

prayer Service + Open House

3/22/25 @ 9 AM / 4170 Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45209

Join us as we dedicate our new home in prayer and hold an open house!

life groups

Times + Locations Vary on Wednesday and Thursday Nights

Click here to learn more about Life Groups and below to find a Life Group for you!


HQ Open Café

Wednesdays @ 9 AM - 4 PM / HQ - 1635 Reading Rd

Every Wednesday, our Café is open for you to use as a workspace, study spot, or just a place to hang out! The Café will be open from 9 AM to 4 PM at our HQ facility (1635 Reading Rd), and we will have free Wi-Fi and drip coffee. 

We'd love to have you join us on Wednesdays! If you're unsure where to park, click the button below to view our parking map.

outreach: step forward serve

2/8/25 - 5/3/25 (Times Vary) / 1805 Dalton Ave, Cincinnati, OH 45214

Step Forward is a program of City Gospel Mission's addiction recovery programs. Volunteers walk, run, and train with the men and women in our recovery programs, while building relationships, encouraging each other, and sharing God's love.

Volunteers and recovery program participants train together for the Flying Pig Marathon and several other races and events throughout the year. The focus is on relationship-building, as well as experiencing achievement while setting and working as a team to exceed goals, understand the value of of physical fitness, and celebrate while training for and participating in The Flying Pig Marathon. Click below to serve!


grand opening

march 23rd

Queen City Church_Magazine-13.png

All Events


prayer Service + Open House

3/22/25 @ 9 AM / 4170 Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45209

Join us as we dedicate our new home in prayer and hold an open house!

grand opening

3/23/25 @ 9 AM + 11 AM (In-Person + Online) + 6 PM (Online Only) /4170 Rosslyn Drive, Cincinnati, OH 45209 +

Click below to learn more about our future home!

course: Essentials of theology

3/24/25 - 4/28/25 @ 7 PM - 9 PM on Monday Nights / HQ - 1635 Reading Rd

In this course, we will go through the foundational concepts in Christian theology. We will examine how theology can profoundly shape and inform all parts of our lives, establishing a foundation that helps us follow Jesus better. Click Here to learn more about Courses and click below to sign up.


water baptism

4/27/25 after the 9 AM + 11 AM Service

Click here to learn more about Water Baptism and click below to register.

dna: May

5/5/25 + 5/12/25 + 5/19/25 @ 7 PM / HQ - 1635 Reading Rd

DNA is a 3-night experience over a series of Monday nights in February and May and Tuesday nights in September. At DNA, we will worship together and cover topics such as why the church is important, how we grow and change as followers of Jesus, how to be the church in our everyday lives, and how all of that can happen at Queen City Church. Click Here to learn more about DNA, and click the button below to be informed when registration for May DNA opens.


child dedication

5/25/25 during the 9 AM + 11 AM Service

Click here to learn more about Water Baptism and click below to register.

DNA: September

9/9/25 + 9/16/25 + 9/23/25 @ 7 PM / HQ - 1635 Reading Rd

DNA is a 3-night experience over a series of Monday nights in February and May and Tuesday nights in September. At DNA, we will worship together and cover topics such as why the church is important, how we grow and change as followers of Jesus, how to be the church in our everyday lives, and how all of that can happen at Queen City Church. Click Here to learn more about DNA, and click the button below to be informed when registration for September DNA opens.