serve our city
Serving our city is accomplished through partnerships with organizations that we have connected with who are making a difference in Cincinnati. We have opportunities for you to serve with our team as we partner with these organizations or use your time, gifts, and interests to serve directly with organizations that we believe in and support. See below for our upcoming serve opportunities and a full list of our partnering organizations and links to signup.
For additional information or questions, send us an email at outreach@queencitypeople.com.
partnering organizations
Saturday Hoops
There’s no experience required to volunteer at Saturday Hoops – just show up! In every activity volunteers look into the kids’ eyes and see the GOOD in them. There are a wide variety of activity areas to serve in, including:
Physical Activities: Get active with the kids at basketball stations and drills, general fitness games, and yoga
Creative Expression: Help with arts and crafts, play music, and teach dance
Knowledge And Inspiration: Read to and with children, lead the morning devotion or group huddle, give an inspirational talk for five to seven minutes
Commitment: Low / Seasonal / Weekly / Flexible (based on your schedule)
Ideal for: Everyone with a love for kids
Cincinnati youth collaborative
More than thirty years ago, as Cincinnati was facing exceedingly high dropout rates, concerned community and school leaders pioneered the idea of collaboration between the business community and public schools. They created a game-changing model for intervention and founded Cincinnati Youth Collaborative. Mentor volunteers at CYC help empower children and young adults to overcome obstacles and succeed in education, career, and life. Research shows that mentored students have better academic and attendance records, higher promotion rates/lower dropout rates, and increased levels of self-esteem.
Adult mentors will be matched with a student in grades 2-12. This is a one-year commitment with one hour of weekly contact with a student. This program offers exceptional flexibility. A team of mentors share the responsibility of meeting with a group of students on a regular basis. Programs vary based on mentors’ and students’ needs and availability.
Commitment: High / Seasonal / Weekly (<1hr per week ) / Flexible
Ideal for: College students, young professionals, and/or anyone with a heart for mentoring youth.
Bridge The Gap
Bridge The Gap is passionate about reaching the lost, preaching the Gospel to the poor, rescuing women from the life of drugs and prostitution. Volunteers will help set up, serve dinner and fellowship with those experiencing homelessness. Being salt and light to those in need in the community.
Commitment: Low / Weekly (Mondays & Thursdays / Flexible
Ideal for: Adults ages 18+
City Link Center
City Link Center is an organization within our city that takes a holistic approach to providing services to each client who is in need. These services range from education to transportation to legal rights to employment. By utilizing and organizing the vast resources that our city has to offer, City Link is able to equip and further life change within each client that walks through their doors. Volunteering at City Link, volunteers have a variety of serving times across 10 teams and with no minimum time commitment. Learn more about how each role makes a difference, and if you see something that aligns with your interests and schedule, check out how to become a volunteer.
Commitment: Low, Flexible (based on your schedule)
Ideal for: College students, young professionals, families, & skilled workers
Forever Kings
Forever Kings is an empowerment organization for boys and young men of color that focuses on disrupting the school to prison pipeline and creating a cradle to college, careers, and entrepreneurship. Forever Kings is looking for black men and women in the local community to come alongside their participants and mentor them to their full potential and speak life over them to be all they can be.
Commitment: Low to High / Seasonal / Weekly / Monthly / Flexible
Ideal for: Black Men and Women
freestore foodbank
Freestore Foodbank’s mission is to improve lives by eliminating hunger in partnership with our community, and our vision is to create a hunger-free, healthy, and thriving community. To achieve this vision, our objectives are to provide nutritious food, connect to support services and offering a pathway from crisis to stability. Volunteers with Freestore Foodbank get the opportunity to help operate food distribution sites across the city as well as sorting fresh produce and groceries that are brought into the organization as donations. There are a variety of dates and times consistently available for anyone interested.
Commitment: Low, Weekly, Flexible
Ideal for: Families, children, young adults, adults
Step Forward
Volunteers and recovery program participants train together for the Flying Pig Marathon and several other races and events throughout the year. The focus is on relationship-building, as well as experiencing achievement while setting and working as a team to exceed goals, understand the value of physical fitness, and celebrate while training for and participating in The Flying Pig Marathon and several other local races and events throughout the year. No experience required as recovery program participants range from seasoned runners to elderly participants who need companionship and support as they walk a distance their physical bodies will allow.
Commitment: Seasonal / Weekly training regimen
Ideal for: Seasoned runners, novice runners, or steady pace walkers with a heart for people in recovery
City Gospel Mission
City Gospel Mission helps empower men, women, and youth to break the cycle of poverty and despair. Volunteers are critical to City Gospel Mission. We believe that positive relationships can improve lives. All services provided through City Gospel Mission are designed to help participants develop a deep life-changing relationship with Jesus Christ.There are many ways for you to get involved i.e. Provide a positive, Godly role model for high school students | Help prepare basic resumes for the men & women who are involved in the job readiness program | Help teach ballet to at-risk girls | Whiz Kids Tutoring: a faith-based one-to-one literacy program. (Volunteers are matched with a youth in the 1st through 6th grade.) And many more opportunities across 4 main cause areas: Food & Shelter, Youth Development, Career Development & Job Placement, and Transformational Recovery Services.
Commitment: Low / High / Seasonal / Weekly / Monthly / Flexible (all options available)
Ideal for: Everyone. There are opportunities to serve for all ages, interests, and skillsets.
Council of Christian Reentry Ministry Community Ambassadors Program
CCRM is a non profit organization dedicated to helping the formerly incarcerated and those with substance abuse and mental health disabilities find direction for their lives through Christian mentoring and supported employment. We have different ways for people of diverse talents to help serve those in reentry. Some Community Ambassadors become mentors and some help exclusively with community awareness projects.
Commitment: Moderate / Monthly / Flexible
Ideal for: This ministry is suitable for anyone age 18 or older who is interested in or may feel called to serve those in reentry from incarceration or substance abuse.