Better + Better
Often, when you hear of someone planting a church in a specific city, the chances that someone or something connects the founding pastor and family to that city are usually high. To uproot and move your entire family to an unfamiliar city, not knowing a single person, with the hope of establishing a life-giving church, takes an immense amount of faith and many surrendered steps of obedience.
Brian and Heather Cromer knew God had called them to plant a church, and with that calling, they knew they had two choices: Easy or Obedient.
To choose the easy route, they could plant in a city near family, where they grew up, or where they had other friends and ministry connections. Obedience would be unfamiliar and uncomfortable. It would stretch them and lead them to rely on something more significant than themselves.
Brian and Heather resolved that God had not called them to do what was easy. He called them to be obedient. Queen City Church exists today because of the faithfulness of God and the acts of obedience by the Cromers and many others.
On September 16, 2018, Queen City Church launched with its first service at Withrow High School. Since that day, we’ve seen God do immeasurably more than we could have ever asked or imagined. The people of our city have come to know God, find community, become a disciple, and be the church carrying the life-giving message of Jesus.
Though our story is still being written, we believe now more than ever in the potential of Cincinnati and the answer the gospel provides its people. We’re here for the long haul, and we’re on mission to reach all people and teach them to have a relationship with God that gets better and better.