2024 report


look at what god has done

We are amazed at all that God has done this past year at Queen City Church, and we wanted to take some time to celebrate! No matter how you found yourself reading our “2024 Year-End Report," we love you and are so honored to be on this journey with you. What we are a part of is truly bigger than the part that we play.

As you look through this report, our prayer is that you would know that you played a part in the incredible things that happened this year and that you would hear the words of Matthew 25:23, “Well done, good and faithful servant.” We truly believe God is working in our city, and this past year is just the beginning of all the life change that is to come.

Here’s to 2025!

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in 2024…


(1,646 since launch sunday)

258 decisions to follow jesus

(983 average sunday attendance)

50,355 people attended church

(across 26 groups)

535 people in life groups

(across 7 courses)

252 participants in courses

180 participants in dna

$184,543.75 given to missions


42 new CHURCHES we helped plant

2024 Praise Reports 


Monthly Highlights

    • Started 2024 with our 2nd annual First Conference at Withrow! It was a powerful 3 day experience with messages from Dan Lian, Ps Brian, and Jason Laird. 

    • We had a very strong start to the year with 21 Days of Prayer and Fasting with morning prayer at HQ! 

    • We sent a team to Guatemala for our 2nd trip with Lifting Kids! We had 7 people in attendance on this trip.  

    • We also started a series called Life Together to learn what it means to be in biblical community.

    • We launched Life Groups! We had a VERY strong response to the vision of Life Groups and have seen major fruit throughout the entire year as we continue to move forward with the vision for biblical community in our church. 

    • We began a series called Sunday to Sunday that goes through the Passion Week and was an amazing preparation for Easter. We also released a devotional to follow for the series and prepare for Easter!

    • Had our first session of DNA for the 2024. 

    • YTH and YA launched for the year!

    • We launched our first ever in house course called Essentials of Theology, as well as kicked off Unanswered Prayer and Financial Literacy.

    • Easter at Queen City Church was one of the best yet! We had 1,050 people join us including 102 first-time guests and celebrated 153 people making decisions to follow Jesus!

    • We celebrated 11 people going public with their faith through water baptism!

    • We started a new series after Easter called Elephant in the Room, where we discussed difficult questions of faith that people commonly wrestle with.

    • Held our 2nd DNA experience of 2024!

    • We celebrated Mother’s Day and provided our moms with family photos to celebrate the day! Heather Cromer shared an amazing word with us on this day.

    • We had our first ever Queen City Kids Summer Bash! We had over 40 children who joined us for a 2 day event that taught them Jesus on their level. 

    • We kicked off our Summer courses: The Gospels & New Testament Letters.

    • Serve Day 2024 was our best one yet! We were able to initiate most serve projects through Life Groups, which helped further develop community and ownership of our city. Over 375 people served at Serve Day!

    • We had an EPIC Vision Night to share with our church the vision of our new building! We had worship, an amazing video that communicated the news, and the surprise of an afterparty at the new building. We had local food and dessert vendors, games for the entire family, and guided tours of the new space, with a time for prayer and reflection at the end. 

    • Our YTH attended MOTION Student Conference for the first time! It was a very catalytic moment for our students and leaders!

    • We started our Holy Bible series, and took 3 weeks to take a deeper look at God’s word.

    • We provided our 2nd mission trip of the year to the Dominican Republic, with 11 in attendance! 

    • We started a new series called God’s Vision For Your Life, where we discussed how God’s vision for our lives found in scripture is far better than any life we could ever imagine.

    • We celebrated 18 people going public with their faith through water baptism!

    • We held a powerful Night of Worship!

    • We started a series on the Book of Daniel and learned how to stand firm in our faith while also loving others well.

    • We had our final session of DNA for the year.

    • We celebrated 6 amazing years of being a church and heard the stories of what God has done in the lives of the people in our church.

    • We hosted our first-ever First Five event: a gathering for pastors & leaders of churches. We had 53 people in attendance from over 12 states!

    • We began a series called “The Cave” where we took a look at the story of Elijah found in 1 Kings 19. In this 2-week series, we will talk about how even when we're walking closely with God, we can still stumble and get lost in the wilderness of tangled emotions. But we don't have to stay there because we serve a God who meets us in the darkness.

    • We began a series called “Joy To The World” where we dived into the book of Philippians to uncover the secret to a life of joy that isn’t tied to circumstances.

    • We celebrated 11 people going public with their faith through water baptism!

    • Christmas at Queen City Church was among our best Christmas services yet! We had 1085 people in attendance and celebrated ___ people making decisions to follow Jesus!

    • We were able to make Christmas happen for 120 kids across our city via our partnership with our friends at Angel Tree.

the best is yet to come.

See you in 2025!
